It is our desire to see others join us in worshipping God
At Christ The King our mission vision is to seek to spread light in our community by deepening in our affection for one another. We will diligently forge the love and unity which our Lord tells us is a compelling witness in a fragmented world. We will, by His grace, be a counter-culture for our culture. We will share the light and warmth of Christ with our neighbors, and look for ways to be welcoming and hospitable. We will strive to be a people who articulate the Gospel with courage, clarity, and joy, commending the worth of our King whenever and wherever possible. We will deliberately work and give to ensure that the blessings of the Gospel spread cross-culturally both here and overseas. It is our desire to see many others join us in worshipping God. We will find ways to promote the welfare of the poor and needy, to be merciful to others as God has been merciful to us. We will be faithful in the places where God has called us, whether in our places of employment, in our homes, or in our schools.
We are most eager to support ministries that are:
Focused on promoting and spreading the gospel of Christ through both word and service;
Dedicated to cross-cultural church planting;
Concerned to minister to the neediest... orphans, widows, the poor and neglected.
In substantial agreement with our theological commitments;
Emerge from within our membership, or from the wider orbit of our community.
Welcome an ongoing relationship of communication and accountability;
Offer opportunity for individuals and groups within CTK to be involved in on site missional efforts.